Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I'm not into The Passion Bible, but DEFINITELY Not Into King James

Here is an attack on the Passion Bible, probably pretty right (excepting the title), in this video:

The WORST Bible Ever Created
Dizzy Disciple | 4 Aug 2024

Here is my comment:

The passion translation is possibly bad.
King James is worse, see Matthew 6:7.

"use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do"

Battologein does not mean "use repetitions", there are two ways of taking it, Syriac and Coptic translate it as "stutter" (the meaning of "battein"), close on word for word, St. Jerome as

"nolite multum loqui, sicut ethnici,"

Which is in Douay Rheims translated as :

"speak not much, as the heathens."

That's more of a paraphrase. A totally literal rendering of "battologein" would be "speak as one stuttering" and the imagery involved is that pagans holding speeches to their gods (yes, that's literally Roman pagan prayers) are acting as nervously as if stuttering.

King James, and probably some Protestant Predecessors back to Geneva Bible (yes, checked) have the sectarian translation as a way of attacking the Rosary and the Litanies, which Calvin disliked.

Probably he sensed their normal effect is sth like the alpha state, and possibly he had been traumatised by abuse of that, if he was the passive partner in sodomy in one branded for the crime in Nyons (his hometown) in 1534 (year before he went preaching Protestantism well away from Nyons), with a name of Jean Cauvin ...

Jesus is not warning against the alpha state, He's warning against approaching God as if we had to explain a lot and didn't quite know how to say it properly and were afraid of not being heard if using the wrong words.

9:51 "pushes sectarian theology"

Exactly as Geneva Bible and King James Bible back in the day.

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