Friday, August 16, 2024

Bishop Williamson Closed by Reminding of the Rosary (Even for Non-Catholics)

BANNED Bishop Williamson Tells ALL…
Scholastic Answers | 16.VIII.2024 ?

14:02 Perhaps unusually for a Conclavist, I'm actually taking Garabandal seriously.

Despite recalling it was part of Garabandal message which included "there is no other pope whom to obey" spoken of Paul VI.

1) While Popes Michael I and II certainly believe that Paul VI was an Antichrist and Antipope, it's sufficient for them being Popes if the ones from Wojtyla on weren't, and I'm not sure they made a formal definition of those times being times of Sedevacancy;
2) the wording "there is no other pope whom to obey" is not directly saying "Paul VI is the pope" — why is that if he was the Pope? The wording could have been directed against Palmarians, or rather, since prior to 1978, against Jean-Gaston Tremblay, perhaps if early enough even against Michel Collin.

20:14 "they were not firing on evidence, they were firing on something else, obedience" ...

Sounds like an excellent description of Old Earth Creationists who came to this position after carbon dating.

Classic Old Earth Creationism means, yes, millions of years prior to Adam, perhaps, but 6 to 7 or at most streching Genesis 11 a great bit, 10 millennia since Adam.

Carbon dated bones of clearly human persons dating to 47 000 BP is only possible if the atmosphere was very young in their day, or if they actually were living 47 000 BP, both of which go against Old Earth Creationism, and the first doesn't go against Young Earth Creationism.

21:11 I think His Excellency would be speaking of Heroldsbach and of San Damiano. For Germany and Italy.

I'm less sure about where in Austria.

I found a reference to Bad St. Leopold im Lavantal, which petered out and then this:

"Absam, Luggau und Marbach"

Could it have been Marbach?

25:42 Theilhard was a false mixture, true enough.

He was enabled by Institut Catholique de Paris, guess why I am not interested in studying there.

In 5th Arrondissment, there are pretty close to each other and close to rue Mouffetard, the streets of Calvin and of Theilhard.

Calvin was a great believer in necessity, and I sometimes go to his street from necessity (it has a public toilet). But I shun the Theilhard street pretty consistently.

26:04 If Theilhard was one of the main reasons for Vatican II, what was the main reason for Theilhard?

I mentioned Institut Catholique de Paris, and I could go further and point to Fr. Émile Mangenot, who, in his article on Hexaëmeron, in 1920, with imprimatur from the archbishop (or at least imprimi potest), rejected:

  • YEC
  • Day Age
  • Gap Theory

and instead put:

  • Framework theory.

30:39 — 31:16

lay women have no business to be taking part in the selection of priests God lovely women they need to marry they need to have children and poor things they refused children today which is why they're going crazy and forcing themselves into the direct director's positions in all the men's Enterprises because they're not given children to keep to keep them for them to occupy and to do what God wants of them which is to have children God's purpose is to populate not depopulate these depopulaters are criminals they don't know it many of them but they are they're violating the will of God for the whole of creation the whole purpose of creation is to send souls to heaven for their own sake

[primarily for the glory of God, secondarily for their own sake]


39:43 Mgr Williamson basically assesses "Paul VI" like Pope Michael I did. And Michael II presumably does too.

Where does that leave the "there is no other pope" quote if it is from Garabandal?

Can my analysis of it be acceptable?

44:33 "no desire to adapt to the criminal modern world"

Except on the issue of Heliocentrism? Distant Starlight, perhaps?

That's what I'm seeing in St. Nicolas du Chardonnet.

Carsonian The Great

Hans-Georg Lundahl
@carsonianthegreat4672 1) You are perhaps aware that St. Nicolas du Chardonnet is a Church run by an FSSPX parish in Paris?
2) You may not know that I was one of their parishioners?
3) You might therefore not know that part of the conflict that drove me away from the parish involved me being Geocentric and Distant Starlight isn't all that Distant, and no problem for YEC?

46:27 Gotthard Base Tunnel, 2016.

Volker Hesse was the director. Did "Nathan der Weise" by Lessing 33 years earlier.

48:02 "Williamson made numerous similar statements in the southeastern Minnesota city of Winona, where he was rector of the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary between 1988 and 2003, the newspaper reported."

That's ten years after David Bawden was dismissed from a US SSPX seminary in 1978, Armada, not Winona.

50:52 I'm not sure it is, either way.

I don't think it matters all that much.

51:33 In disfavour of the moonlanding, the van Allen belt.

57:35 If a pope is publically wrong on doctrine, how is he not preaching heresy?

If he's preaching heresy, how is he not autodeposed as Nestorius?

59:55 Toasters that can play golf?

Sounds you like Norton Juster.

1:00:26 I wonder if it will ever be impossible to buy and sell without certain things ...
1:05:34 I was debating someone on Quora.

As to Joseph Smith, I left it undecided if he was a conman or deluded by demons taking advantage of his ignorance (or even his opening to them by joining for some time Freemasonry).

Someone asked "why demons?"

He eventually was shown as:
  • ex-Christian
  • more specifically ex-Catholic
  • and [one who] didn't believe demons exist while he was "Catholic" ...

    1:12:35 And between the two, a Polish priest was denied to celebrate Mass in the Olympic village, I just heard from Anthony Stine.

    1:20:06 Moral rot follows on bad doctrine, cfr Romans 1.

    If certain abuses began in the 1940's, could it be because certain priests were not believers in the true God, once they considered He had allowed Adam to be born to non-human progenitors, while already human, which would have been child abuse if true?

    1:30:03 to 1:30:31, great quote:

    Unity is secondary.

    The question of unity is around what are you uniting.

    Are you uniting around the truth, Bingo go right ahead!

    Are you are you uniting around a mixture of oil and of water and petrol, forget it.

    Unity is secondary — it's secondary to truth.

    Truth is the correspondence of the mind to reality.

    1:42:23 I don't think the cause of defending Ukraine against invasion is a bad one.

    People who despise Zelensky still don't want him to lose to Putin.

    I don't think Russia's conversion can come with Putin at the head as he's behaving. He has lots of power. He knows there is a demographic crisis/ He asks Russian women "pretty please, don't abort, do us all a favour!" And instead of forbidding abortions which would in some decades solve the problem behind the pension reform, he's trying to shrug off criticism for that by deflecting to Ukraine.

    Ukraine was, by the way, consecrated to Our Lady, in its capacity of Kievan Rus. If She asks for the consecration of Russia, She doesn't count Muscovy as main heir of Kievan Rus.
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