Monday, August 19, 2024

Crooks' (or Yearick's?) Body Gone

New blog on the kid: Tolkien's Politics · I Thought That Decree Was by Franco · Why I am Not Capitalist or for Unrestricted Free Market · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolkien Supported Franco's Side in the 36—39 War · Prince Caspian · Lord of the Rings: Motivations for Fandom · Tolkienophobes, Buzz Off! · Tolkienophobe Identified? · J D Vance-Phobes? · Crooks' (or Yearick's?) Body Gone · Sharing On The Shooting

BOMBSHELL: Congresswoman says Evidence Suggests Trump Assassin Didn't Act Alone: 'He Had A HANDLER'
Benny Johnson | 18.VIII.2024


There was this question whether the killed shooter more closely matched Thomas Crooks or Maxwell Yearick.

Has anybody seen Maxwell Yearick alive after this happened?


Take a look at my dialogues with Morgan Oviatt (probably not his real name, but you never know), here:

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Tolkienophobe Identified?

Original on quora.

What are some reasons why elves are disliked in fantasy settings, such as in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien?
[answer by Morgan Oviatt]

He is willing to stamp me as paranoid tinfoil hat because:

  • I deny being eugenicist
  • I state eugenics had a history with Lenin that Stalin stopped (and I gave a link to a historian)
  • I state that Catholicism opposed eugenics (and gave Chesterton and Pius XI as examples).

His qualification (the qualifications system on quora is a nightmare, but this time it serves sth) is "Government Employee at 3 Letter Agency"

Morgan Oviatt (Quora Profile)

FBI and DHS would fit that description.

12:22 A handler can't be all of the millions of a nation state.

It could be a secret agent for one.

Check Putin's FSB, since last election he came out supporting Biden (and mentioned he had been a Communist for fifteen years of his life).

Check Mossad, since Vance seems less keen than Biden on unconditional support for the Zionist state, and this may already have been known to Putin.

Speaking of handlers, early in my internet carreere as a debater, I got taunted with having a handler or handlers.

Not the case online, though I think some have tried to get the position.

12:49 I note that you have both assumed Thomas Crooks was left leaning.

About Crooks, we actually have opposite testimonies, some have testified he was conservative in high school. Perhaps he changed his mind when he came into the caring home business, perhaps the testimony was a lie to plant guilt in the right wing camp, and about Yearick we know for a very undisputable fact (or so far undisputed) that he was left leaning and violent.

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