Tuesday, August 20, 2024

He asked why women religious are more often the target

A good video, with one reservation:

Rome Forces Traditional Nuns To Get Indoctrinated To Prove Their Loyalty
Return To Tradition | 19.VIII.2024

[It features one "Father Navarro" meaning Martin Navarro.]

First my answer to the question, then my reservation:

Perhaps those guys are collaborating with Psychiatry.

I took at look at male female ratio, and the first paper that came up was from Red China.

That's where the link to the Communist roots of this evil are most obvious.

The study was probably not sampled based on gender, so the gender outcome would be significant.

80 thousand 356 or 37.22 % were male.
135 thousand 552 or 62.78 % were female.

19 % were ages 0 to 18.

Now, the problem is, can you guess the most prevalent diagnose?

79 thousand 521 patients or 36.83 % were Anxiety disorders.

Do you see a possible link? I do.


24:53 Pope Michael II would argue that the FSSPX are schismatic for adhering to Antipope Bergoglio. AND feeling free to disobey the man they (pretend to) consider Pope.

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