Monday, August 19, 2024

Candace Owens-Farmer and Michael Lofton

Candace Owens' SHOCKING View on Zionism
Reason & Theology | 18.VIII.2024

2:49 There were at least two cases I saw on video a few years ago.

Not sure I can retrieve those.

[Seems Mr. Lofton saw the same videos or partly about same persons]

3:50 paedophilia is not a crime.

Let me qualify.

Paedophilia is a paraphilia, meaning the abnormality of attraction in people who sexually get aroused by prepuber children.

By feminists, it is a term often abused to cover also hebephilia, an attraction to (usually) women who have already menstruated but are not all that much older than that, say to teens who are legal minors.

BOTH attractions (and I refuse to call the second one abnormal) can lead to crimes. NEITHER is the name of one of these crimes, at least not in the jurisdictions I know of.

The crime statutory rape can be committed by a paedophile, if the victim is 9 years old. It can be committed by a hebephile, if the real or supposed victim is for instance 14 in a country where the age of consent is 15. And either -philia can be held by people who do not commit the crime.

I'd consider the first of them is clearly an aberration, the second one isn't. I examinated a sample of 71 women of the High Middle Ages (around 1200's), from wikipedia. Taking insecure dates into accounts, I gave upper and lower counts for lifespan and age at first consumed marriage of each.

The median age at first marriage was 14 on the lower count and 17 on the higher count. In today's England, all of these marriages would have been illegal, so half of the sample would have been victims of "statutory rape" under the recently changed English law, now setting age of consent at 18.

Those married before 15 (the age of consent in Sweden), that's on the lower count of ages c. 51 % and on the higher count of ages c. 32 % of the sample.

I recall a discussion on quora some years ago, where the topic of early Christians came up. A woman married by 12 was not totally THE norm, it was not the average, but very far from abnormal.

In my sample, there were not marital ages for all women, married before 13 was the proportion 14 / 67 to 23 / 67 or 20.9 to 34.3 %. If you accept calling hebephiles paedophiles or perpetrators of statutory rape paedophiles, you are insulting the history of Christendom.

Φιλολoγικά/Philologica | Seven Female Lineages, Seventyone Women, High or Classic Middle Ages

6:05 Theodor Herzl was absolutely not an Orthodox Jew.

As an ex-Zionist, I happen to keep track of that.

7:07 Two questions.

1) Are there at least suspicions that the Rothschilds are Frankists?

If you consider the suspicions unfounded, the allegations untrue, how unlikely are they?

2) Are there very broad hints that Rothschilds were involved as important financers of the Zionist movement?

8:02 There is a big difference between serial killers and a cult.

Serial killers usually don't educate their children to become serial killers.

(Some types of politicians excepted).

People in a cult have a much greater interest in educating their children in that cult.

10:02 I think she may have been confusing the JFK with the RFK assassination, the latter one on June 5th 1968.

The convicted person is Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian.

In a 2018 interview with The Washington Post, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the murdered Kennedy, said that he had traveled to California to meet with Sirhan in prison and that, after a relatively long conversation (the details of which he would not disclose), believed that Sirhan did not kill his father and that a second gunman was involved.

So, suppose Sirhan was after all innocent, was there some undue consideration for Israel involved in his getting the blame?

My bad, it was about the JFK assassination, and involved the man who killed Oswald Harvey [Lee Harvey Oswald].

11:08 USS Liberty, believed to be an enemy ship.

Three hostages held by Hamas, whether liberated or not, were shot by IDF who believed them to be Gazawis.

I think the Zionists have some talent for killing people wrongly believed to be the enemy. Like "shoot first, ask questions later" ...

13:09 So, official investigations are credible evidence, and credible final evidence for whether certain evidence is credible or not ...

You recall the shooter who was killed after wounding Trump's ear?

His body has been cremated. It's impossible to get DNA to see if he really was Thomas Crooks or for instance Maxwell Yearick.

15:45 "just because he had a photo of his daughter"

Not of his own daughter, but of Jacob Frank's.

Eve Frank or Eva Frank (1754 – 1816 or 1817)[1][2] born Rachel Frank in Nikopol, Ottoman Empire (now Bulgaria),[1] was a mystic cult leader, and the only woman to have been declared a Jewish messiah according to historian Jerry Rabow. She was the daughter of Jacob Frank, the claimant to the position of Jewish messiah in the 18th century, and allegedly Sophie Ascania/Catherine the Great.

Photo would be misrepresenting it, but a picture of Jacob Frank's daughter would be some kind of evidence. Pictures of "Benedict XVI" don't totally prove you believed "John Paul II" was vicar of the real Messiah, but they strongly suggest that. Eve Frank was Jacob's successor as Messiah claimant.

19:21 Before we call out Candace Owens for calling out paedophilia not based on truth, what about legals systems and psychiatric systems that misdefine it so as to for instance classify hebephilia as paedophilia or sex with persons who could have married if the laws in 1200 had still been in place as statutory rape?

I do NOT admire Putin for calling out paedophilia as the worst of crimes, worthy of the worst of punishments, when his judges have harrassed Yuri Dmitriev with false accusations and regularly overturned incarcerations for at one time child pornography, because he had photos of the chest of an 11 year old daughter who had a disease in her chest (lungs or bronchiae, I think).

I do not admire how the Swedish attitude to paedophilia has worked.

That's why I fell out with my theretofore friend Charles A. Coulomb when he invited me to "international fight against paedophilia" ... international would mean collaborating with Putin and with Sweden.

Mr. Dmitriev was first arrested after investigators raided his home and found naked pictures of his adopted youngest daughter, Natalia, on his computer. A court in the Karelia region capital, Petrozavodsk, cleared him of these charges in 2018 after hearing testimony that the pictures of his daughter had been taken simply to monitor the medical condition of the girl who, at the time of her adoption, was malnourished and had severe developmental problems.

So, what a setup ...

a) doctor says he needs to see those pictures
b) Yuri complies
c) pictures are found on his computer.

The head of a local museum who had assisted Mr. Dmitriev at Sandarmokh was also arrested and charged with pedophilia. He died in prison earlier this year.

(NYT article is from 2020)

Seriously, does the Russian Penal Code call it paedophilia or is it just sloppy terminology on part of the journalist?

Russian Historian Who Found Stalin-Era Graves Is Convicted
By Andrew Higgins | July 22, 2020

19:31 "engaging with paedophilia", guess I'll call out Candace Owens for the same terminological error as yourself.

21:24 Thank you, we know that you are a huge fan (even if the foe-fan type) of that show.

Your favourite meme about what you consider misinformation about Catholicism as long shown on videos on your channel, they have kind of referred to that.

We have heard of "reductio ad Hitlerum" and it's counting in Godwin points, when it comes to "reductio ad Antiquos Alienos" it would need to be counted in Lofton points, if the trend catches on.

Candace may be giving more speculation than stringent argumentation because that's what she considers her role as a commentator and you may be applying standards meant for work in academia.

Taking precautions based on not yet fully substantiated allegations may sometimes be necessary.

22:19 Candace Owens as a Jewish Zionist plant is just a bit less absurd than Tovia Singer counting her as more or less a Sedevacantist Antisemite because:

Candace Owen's husband George Farmer = Mel Gibson = Hudder Gibson.

Or his fan who was considering Candace as a hatefilled person who loves to slander.

As I'm an ex-Zionist, this has very little to do with Candace's theories or priorities.

1) I used to believe Palestinians were descended mainly from invaders from the Arabian Peninsula, I found out they descend mainly from Judaeans, Samarians and Galilaeans 2000 years ago.
2) I used to believe Jews had a right to recompensation after what they went through 1939 to 1945, but the Palestinian population was not at fault for what happened.
3) I used to believe that it had only to do with UN giving the Jews national sovereignty, and found out (from a Jew on that village territories had been bought up from landowners and village populations had been evicted as part of the settling.

The new landowners did not have the right to evict entire villages to accomodate their people. What they bought was basically a right to collect rent from Palestinians and at the utmost evict someone who was really misbehaving, not an entire village that was duly paying the rent as usual.

It's not quite the same when it comes to evicting just a single family to accomodate a single family, the new house owner can evict the family that arrived latest or has fewest children or has the closest other house in Paris to get a new flat in, but when situations divorcing usufruit from ownership lead to replacement of the entire population of a village (and there were hundreds of them), there is sth wrong.

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