Thursday, August 29, 2024

Joe on Judas

Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Joe on Judas · A Protestant End Times Theologian (Good on End Times, at least moderately, Bad on Church History and Ecclesiology) · Great Bishop of Geneva! What Does "Being in Babylon" Mean? Being Invisible Only Church? No.

Joe Heschmeyer (who else) on Judas Ischariot:

What the Apostle Judas Reveals About the Church
Shameless Popery Podcast | 29 Aug. 2024

0:19 As ex-Lutheran, that idea goes back to Martin Luther, who overinterprets a remark by St. Austin.

1:20 And when Jesus says "teach the nations" ... it's a bit difficult for invisible teachers to teach.

1:49 Yes, I have used him to prove the sinful clergy remain clergy (until condemned or dead).

It's a great point if someone takes the mores of Alexander VI and his surroundings as "proof" he had no authority from God.

22:40 Excellent stuff.

Unfortunately, I have heard this argument twisted against searching for an orthodox Church with no heretical clergy.

If a man in 1950 or even before Humani Generis in 1941, believed, God had allowed Adam to be born to progenitors actually non-human, and if as a result of this belief in a God acting as child abuser against a not yet sinning Adam, he became a child abuser, well, the man who committed child abuse has more standing in the Church than the man who took the bait when Pius XII lowered the guard on orthodoxy. Note, I'm very well aware this is not the position of Theistic Evolutionists (like possibly Jimmy Akin) right now. They are more into denying Adam was the actual first man. To some of them "image of God" is a "metaphysical extra" that in human and interhumane terms was a distinction without a difference. That position would have been punished by Pius XII. The one he allowed by "at present the magisterium does not forbid" was a more monstruous one. But also one which held more token service to Trent Session V.

Pope Michael II hasn't said his Church is a Church without sinners. He has in fact said his immediate parishioners are in such trouble for their material survival, it's in one of the poorer provinces of the Philippines, they could leave the Church. Yet, he counts them as members.

My second father confessor was a man I was confiding in at the time of getting closer to not just FSSPX, but back then even FSSP and ICKSP and Le Barroux monasteries (not sure if the nunnery nearby was already there, I think so). His response was to compare my concerns about orthodoxy to Luther's search for a pure Church.

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