Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Neanderthals, Carter, Myself

Neanderthals, Carter, Myself · Mainly Sharing, but also Underlining

Carter first, here is his video:

Can creationists explain Neanderthals?
Biblical Genetics | 20.VIII.2024

Here are my comments on it:

6:22 Up to 230 years.

I obviously totally agree on POG idea being HOG-wash.

6:45 I think I'll even dispute the idea there were no caves prior to the Flood.

But supposing it were correct, the places we find them in are caves now, how if they were some kind of buildings that have since been covered inside and out with flowstone and Flood layers of the type "formerly shellfish"?

7:07 "Fossils that was laid down during the Flood"

When exactly has a clear Flood fossil been found in the same rock and cave as a Neanderthal?

I made a list of Lagerstätten for dino fossils and compared with a list of Neanderthal finds. If we suppose both to be pre-Flood, no collision occurred. The dinos can have been inserted as a kind of Berlin walls with dangerous beasts doing what automated machine guns did on the wall. One way of seeing Genesis 6:11 (or at least the aftermath of the Mahabharata war).

7:33 What if those islands were not islands in the pre-Flood world?

10:34 If both Denisovans and Neanderthals were pre-Flood, both could be (in various degrees) related to Nephelim. A supernatural event factoring in on mutations.

By the way, I disagree that Denisovans are only known from tiny body parts. Let me explain. In Atapuerca, there is a population that has at least at times been classed as "Homo Antecessor" ... it has a morphology very similar to Heidelbergians, and a genome (as per Svante Pääbo's tests) very similar to Denisovan.

I conclude that Heidelbergians had a genome very similar to Denisovan too and the pinky finger in the Denisova cave had a morphology very similar to Antecessor and to Heidelbergians. The three clades are just one. Obviously a population within humanity.

The fact that Antecessor in Atapuerca has been identified as committing (or at least being victim of) cannibalism chimes in very well with those people being in the times of Genesis 6:11.

For Neanderthals you have mentioned meals like clams, probably licit in the pre-Flood world, in El Sidrón you have found pine nuts on the dental calculus, licit in the pre-Flood world. In Belgium you had Neanderthals living on a diet of woolly rhino and fellow men, illicit in the pre-Flood, and as to the latter, also the post-Flood world.

11:37 Y-chromosomes of Neanderthals are lacking in men now alive. Mitochondria of them are lacking in man now alive. C. 1/3 of the autosomal DNA is still around as alleles. That's explainable if a daughter in law of Noah was halfbreed, with her father being Neanderthal.

The article "Are Neanderthals Pre-Flood" is a Feedback article from 2.II.2019. The exact same day, on my Creation vs. Evolution blog, I answered in the article: "Answering Robert Carter's Four Reasons" and one week later a dialogue is published on my FB Writings blog "Carter's Notification on His Post".

15:06 I would say that the Neanderthals eating pine nuts or clams (no nephesh khayah creatures, arguably) remembered Eden, and the Neanderthals eating woolly rhino and men, well, they acted very Genesis 6:11.

15:48 There are ways to air caves (though arguably not the kind your are sitting in). We do not need to assume the Neanderthals or anyone else regularly lived in caves, as opposed to using them as burial places.

Except obviously places where caves are a bit different, like in Cappadocia, or in parts of Jordan.

16:00 Near Nizza, some people had a way around that problem. Build a little house inside the cave. My blog post "Survival Tip, if you can find a cave by the seashore" is on the blog "Recipes from Home and Abroad"

16:43 Good Christian teachers found, galore: Pope St. Pius X (wrote encyclicals and a Catechism), Pope Michael II (Vatican in Exile). Lots between them.

16:56 Creation dot com is an excellent resource for Creation science, with caveats (like your placing Neanderthals post-Flood), but less so on Christian living. Obviously not quite as bad as "Father" James Martin, but even so. Or, on this topic, even Jimmy Akin is really bad, like Swamidass bad.

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