Sunday, January 29, 2023

The Mithraeum Experts Contradict Hislop, and Matthew Contradicts the Ecclesiology of "Truthunedited," youtube channel

THE MOMENT PAGANISM MIXED WITH CHRISTIANITY: The Point in History When Satan Planted The Tares
Truthunedited, 21 Jan. 2023

11:44 You cannot stamp Catholicism as syncretism without stating where a non-syncretistic Christian Church survived at the same time.

If I see Evolution believing Catholics as syncretists, I can point to Pope Michael being elected (after Assisi prayer meeting, also syncretistic, but ...) before "John Paul II" started pushing that in the early 90's.

He died August 2nd last year, and there are still clergy and laymen who reject the Evolution paradigm. As rpecisely Catholics.

Hence, my pointing to Evolution belief as syncretism, is not denying Christ's Church is present all days in purity of doctrine, since that is what Christ promised in Matthew 28:16-20.

Now, you pretend syncretism founded Catholicism. Where are you putting the surviving pure Church?

What you cannot do is say it is covered by wheat and tares. That cannot refer to true and false doctrines in the same Church, but must refer to obedient and disobedient servants of God in the same Church. Why? Because saying true and false doctrine coexist from early on to near the harvest within the Christian community denies the promise and commands Jesus gave in Matthew 28.

13:35 That show of syncretism, from September 2015, involves a "Pope" who isn't Pope, because he isn't Catholic.

That syncretism is not Catholic.

13:43 It is not syncretism to use a different spelling or pronunciation of the same name.

Btw, I think you got those of the Hebrew version wrong.

14:30 What is the reason for Eusebius being a "tare"?

14:43 You are wrong about the Latin too.

In hoc signo VINCES.

"Vinae" doesn't mean anything.

15:38 Yes, He has.
He told His disciples to conquer all nations for Him in Matthew 28:16-20.
He also told whoever wants to be His disciple to "take up his cross and follow" Him. Matthew 16:24.

15:58 - pretended pre-Christian meanings:

The Sumerian Sun-god Tammuz
The Roman god Mithras
The Greek god Attis.

Let's check each.

A) The Sumerian Sun-god Tammuz

"In of his 1940 biblical dictionary on various words that were used in the Bible ”Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words” 20th century theologian and scholar, William Edwy Vine commonly known as W. E. Vine says that symbol of the cross was used for the worship of Dumuzid also known as Tammuz. Is there any evidence for it?"

Seach it on reddit Q Cross or Tau was used in the worship of tammuz?

In the first answer, it seems Vine was dependent on The Two Babylons. A book by a hater of Catholicism who knew nothing about real Babylonia, Alexander Hislop.

B) Mithras

I get three hits mentioning both Mithras and Attis, and it seems none of them give a source, and one or two mention Tammuz as well, but they also, two of them mentioned Ezechiel:

"And the Lord said to him: Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem: and mark Thau upon the foreheads of the men that sigh, and mourn for all the abominations that are committed in the midst thereof."
[Ezechiel (Ezekiel) 9:4]

A fourth hit (a Masonic encyclopedia) credits the Mason Albert Pike with saying the Tau cross was involved in Mithras mysteries.

A fifth hit involves nothing about the letter Tau, just tauroctony. It seems to involve some real knowledge of Mithraea.

A sixth hit is all about mysticism and nothing about giving sources.

A seventh hit also seems knowledgeable on Mithras and not generous about the cross in the context:

"A unique feature of the Mithraeum is the naked lion-headed figure sometimes found in Mithraic temples.34 He is entwined by a serpent, with the snake's head often resting on the lion's head. The lion's mouth is often open. He is usually represented having four wings, two keys (sometimes a single key) and a scepter in his hand. Sometimes the figure is standing on a globe inscribed with a diagonal cross. A more scarcely represented variant of the figure with a human head is also found. Although animal-headed figures are prevalent in contemporary Egyptian and Gnostic mythological representations, the Leontocephaline is entirely restricted to Mithraic art."

C, Attis involves one first hit already seen under Mithras, a second one by a Celtic fantasy author, one mention in edit talks on wiki, where discussion ended on this being too Hislop, two more already under previous, the sixth is selling jewelry, a seventh is a polemic site by the likes of yourself, an eighth is a group conversation, a ninth has this divergent info:

// The Gauls came to use the Tau or T cross to stand for the hammer of Thor who was not only an engine of destruction but, as with a storm, an instrument of life and fecundity. With the Egyptians, the two headed mallet became, in the hieroglyphs, the Latin cross with the meaning of crusher or avenger (see de Harlez Le Culte de la croix avant le christianisme, La Science catholique, 15 Feb 1890, p. 163) //

- this is from CCG, and doesn't link the Tau cross to Attis, nor does it seem reliable.

A tenth is a blog post, which has the merit of mentioning Ezechiel. An eleventh is called "Jesus Family Tomb" and says:

// The Tau cross is a T-shaped cross named after the ancient Greek letter T, which is also the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, X. The Tau is also known as St. Anthony’s cross or the Egyptian cross, and is believed to be an early version of what became the Christian cross. It is sometimes used to represent St. Anthony or St. Matthew in Christianity who are believed to have died on the Tau cross, and is often associated with Moses and the serpent of the Bible.

The Tau is believed to have been used by early Israelites of the Old Testament to distinguish themselves from those practicing paganism. The Tau was often marked on the foreheads of pagan priests during baptism rituals.

This cross once represented the Sumerian solar deity Tammuz, a forerunner of the Roman god Mithras and the Greek god Attis which the Tau also symbolized. It has appeared on ancient sculptures depicting Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian divinity, such as Isis and Osiris, as a symbol of life and immortality. //

In other words
A, B, C - Tammuz, Mithras, Attis - no evidence.
Bible - evidence from Ezechiel.

17:05 Answer on the leaven - it was clearly already fulfilled for Rome during the 280 years from 33 to 313.

And again, the leaven is supposed to be permeating the dough entirely, this is clearly a reference also to "all nations" in Matthew 28:16 - 20.

All nations doesn't mean just all governements, but it includes governments. A nation having religious unity has it through governments protecting the unified religion, like Davidic Kings protected the Torah against Baal worship and even "worship on the hilltops" ....

By the way, Constantine did not make Christianity the official religion to exclusion of others, that happened later, through Theodosius, when Paganism and Arianism had lost much more ground than in Constantine's time.

17:18 Answer on colonisers - two problems with your exposé:

  • You forgot Roman Empire and most of Europe outside Roman Empire. Most of it was not conquered by Crusaders.
  • (side note : Crusaders to the Holy Land came to protect Christians already there.)
  • and if the Christianity that came with colonisers came from Europe, how is it not fulfilling Matthew 28:16-20 "all nations"?

Furthermore, your pushback against Crusaders and Colonisers would seem to favour the agenda of Antichrist.

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