Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Genuine Beneplenist Conclavism? Or Spoof on Conclavism?

What Does Kwasniewski mean by "Brain Disease" ... · Genuine Beneplenist Conclavism? Or Spoof on Conclavism?

BREAKING: Papal Conclave Elects New Pope?
Reason & Theology, 30.I.2023

Links to:


I'm so far commenting on the former.

6:07 I sent the links to Vatican in Exile asking if the new pope was a pope or a schismatic - apparently it was a heretic, the conclave was hijacked by Bergoglionists.

I think I can predict how Vatican in Exile will react ...

6:15 It seems, they tried to make an emergency conclave from 1990 ridiculous, and you are making them ridiculous.

Much obliged ...

9:08 Noting that Orthodoxy by Chesterton is from 1908, by which time he was still under the bad influence of the Anglican heresy.

It is probable he was speaking from experience of people who shouldn't have been detained in mad houses, but who were.

Checking : "He entered full communion with the Roman Catholic Church in 1922."

It's like citing Newman when he was saying "Rome can't be in Canterbury" ...

For better thought through attitudes on psychiatry by him, see:

The Return of Don Quixote

9:29 If I say people are conspiring against me, as a writer, if they obviously don't want to publish my saying so on the kind of commercial paper known as books, they are still perfectly free to dispute the conspiracy by publishing something else by me.

I'm about as prolific a writer as GKC, and publish on my blogs.

Anyone who truly wants my best, and does not want to republish any charge against him by me stamping him as conspirator, is perfectly able to prove the opposite by taking a look at my blogs and seeing what he'd like to publish.

10:45 It is highly probable that the election of "Pope Francis" as successor of "Pope Benedict XVI" (supposedly never emeritus up to death) will free the actual clergy in the heritage of Pope Michael to make less of stepping aside for a Beneplenist conclave.

10:49 Thank you for reading probably the worst single paragraph or sequence of paragraphs in Gilbert Keith Chesterton's extant writings.

As said, it's from when he was Anglican. It's contradicted by what he stated of psychiatrists in two later novels. Manalive and The Return of Don Quixote.

And in his autobiography, I think it was, he stated things about the roots of humanity being torn out, not about madmen, but about converts far more heroic than he.

Nope, not the autobiography. I was confusing two paragraphs in The Catholic Church and Conversion, one of which was autobiographical. Here is the other:

"These are the general considerations which govern any personal study of conversion to the Catholic faith. The Church has defended tradition in a time which stupidly denied and despised tradition. But that is simply because the Church is always the only thing defending whatever is at the moment stupidly despised. It is already beginning to appear as the only champion of reason in the twentieth century, as it was the only champion of tradition in the nineteenth. We know that the higher mathematics is trying to deny that two and two make four and the higher mysticism to imagine something that is beyond good and evil. Amid all these anti-rational philosophies, ours will remain the only rational philosophy. In the same spirit the Church did indeed point out the value of tradition to a time which treated it as quite valueless. The nineteenth-century neglect of tradition and mania for mere documents were altogether nonsensical. They amounted to saying that men always tell lies to children but men never make mistakes in books. But though our sympathies are traditional because they are human, it is not that part of the thing which stamps it as divine. The mark of the Faith is not tradition; it is conversion. It is the miracle by which men find truth in spite of tradition and often with the rending of all the roots of humanity."

May I repeat?

"It is the miracle by which men find truth in spite of tradition and often with the rending of all the roots of humanity."

Unlike Orthodoxy, it has an Imprimatur:


Nihil Obstat: Arthur J. Scanlan, S.T.D. Censor Librorum.
Imprimatur: Patrick Cardinal Hayes +Archbishop, New York.
New York, September 16, 1926.
Copyright, 1926 by MacMillan Company

10:30 So far no - as long as Fr. Francis Dominic doesn't accept him, I probably won't either.

Especially if he doesn't apologise for the infamous Magic Wand speech from 2014.*

12:43 I think the underlying premise is somehow "emergency conclaves can theoretically be valid" - the ambition of those voting Bergoglio would obviously have been to counter that and counter any tendency to conclavism.

One year ago, we had at least four options on who was Pope.

Vatican in Exile
Palmar de Troya

Pope Michael died, his succession is as yet undecided. I am decidedly a non-candidate, since I'd like to marry, but I would be available if the new pope wanted a theological counsellor or a Latin specialist.

15:32 I have a very real suspicion the guy on the phone is not Graceda ... he even said "Jackson" ...

15:53 I get a feeling that instead of calling Graceda, you take caller after caller ....

Sorry, Gracida, my bad ...

And no, René Henry Gracida sounds different ...

16:59 Here is at least one pope Michael follower who feels fairly iffy about that "dark horse" ..

17:30 In defense of conclaves in Kansas.** There have been valid conclaves in a city I was in where the traffic is far less "LA" than in Rome.

43°57′00″N 04°48′27″E

1305 it was not there, but Perugia.
1362 (looks like one was saying "get elected, live ten more years!")

19:30 Kevin Symonds is pretending Bergoglio was, presumably in 2013, "validly elected" ...

In 1378 there were two options on who was validly elected. One of them was wrong.

Pretending it is always clear who is Pope, apart from delay in communications, as it "belongs to the visibility of the Church" or pretending it is always a "dogmatic fact" (a fact connected to valid dogma, like Trent being valid is connected to valid condemnations of Calvin's and Luther's and similar heresies) is a bit overdone.

19:58 Kevin, thank you very much for saying only the Holy See can declare formal schism.

Did the ones you recognise as Holy See ever declare Pope Michael as a schismatic?

22:11 Disagreeing with the caller.

Oct 28 2014*

// "When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so," Francis told the gathering, where he also dedicated a statue of his predecessor, Benedict XVI. God, Francis said, "created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment." //

24:10 Just supposing Vatican in Exile wanted to elect Odermatt - no, St. Felix II was first antipope against Pope Liberius who had signed a Sirmian declaration under duress, and stepped back when Pope Liberius was back in Rome and cleared himself ... and became the next Pope after Liberius.

Obviously supposing it is correct as stated in Liber Papalis and in Roman Martyrology:

// At Rome, on the Aurelian Way, St. Felix II, pope and martyr. Being expelled from his See by the Arian emperor Constantius for defending the Catholic faith, and being put to the sword privately at Cera in Tuscany, he died gloriously. His body was taken away from that place by clerics and buried on the Aurelian Way. It was afterwards brought to the Church of the Saints Cosmas and Damian where, under the Sovereign Pontiff Gregory XIII, it was found beneath the altar with the relics of the holy martyrs Mark, Marcellian, and Tranquillinus and, with the latter, was put back in the same place on 31 July. In the same altar were also found the bodies of the holy martyrs Abundius, a priest, and Abundantius, a deacon, which were shortly after solemnly transferred to the church of the Society of Jesus, on the eve of their feast. //


26:13 This is obviously a spoof on Taylor Marshall. The real guy pronounces an L nearly as a Frenchman or Northumbrian pronounces R ...

27:56 Yes, I do know William Tapley.

I also know he was Beneplenist.

I also think it would be more interesting to get the real opinion of William Tapley, Vatican in Exile, Dimond Brothers, than to get several scoffers interrupt that research by calling in live ...

* Pope says evolution, Big Bang are real
Josephine McKenna | Religion News Service

** Other factor of Pope Michael's conclave was disputed, only six persons were present. Check out Pope Innocent II:

On the evening of 13 February 1130, Pope Honorius II died,[4] Gregorio was hastily elected as Pope Innocent II by a commission of six cardinals led by papal chancellor Haimeric.[5] He was consecrated on 14 February, the day after Honorius' death.[5] The other cardinals announced that Innocent had not been canonically elected and chose Anacletus II, a Roman whose family were the enemy of Haimeric's supporters, the Frangipani.[6] Anacletus' mixed group of supporters were powerful enough to take control of Rome while Innocent was forced to flee north.[6]


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